Save Culture Take care of what we have before its gone.
As me move into the ever changing rat race of humanity. Still those of western modern influence insist on changing those who do not need change. Many cultures and far out regions of diverse and indigenous people live happy lives. Unaffected by modem culture unaware that modern man has trapped and imprisoned himself in self gain, materialistic want. The need for more and the suffering of stress diseases that modern man has to endure to keep the roof over his head food in his tummy and all the bills paid. Car , electric, and to up grade gadgets and computers. Already government are increasing retirement ages due to lack of money and the need to stop the buying of land for recreation and garden. As man grows, So space reduces.
Third world, or should I say simple living people are so much richer in life then we will ever be. They have no ties no tax no bills. The way life is meant to be. Land does not belong to any one but those who live on it who are part and take care of it.
Long will be gone those wonderful culture sights . Of happy working easy living people.
I was watching that film again, The earth stood still. How true the statements in that film. The earth does not belong to us. We just live here the same as all the other creatures.
Now I see adverts wanting to give India Electricity. Is modern life better? If they have lived , farmed and can trade. Then why interfere? Why does modern society have to interfere with other cultures thinking that they have to be like us.
In Borneo Villages and long traditional rare people who live far from civilisation are being moved to make way for development..
All this does is lose who we are and rape the land scape from the beauty that we love, only to be replace by concrete.
You cannot change nature. Or divert , it will find a way to fight back.
You cannot grow crops from concrete or admire. Concrete does not allow the fertilisation of land . Hold the soil and drink up excess water from the land.
Now the long traditional cultures in the next 3, will fade into the past . Forgotten only to be seen in a photograph.
As the younger generations get forced into education. They have no time to learn the old ways , and yearn for modern slavery of the techno world.
Already we face the problem of who will do the farming) ? As the young seek high paid jobsin the city. Hooked up in the modern rat race, humanity like to call civilisation
Cannot man see the trap? That once you move to modern electricity and forge to become slaves of materialistic culture. You die young, stress from over work and no play. Become unhappy. . Even children forget how to play , or mothers fear there children playing ! And So the human race become weak. And live in paranoia.
The only wish I have , is instead of western influence wanting those who we view as poor . Honestly They are NOT! Is that they clean up. As so many live in squaller ! And to modernise these people instead of educating the need to dispose of rubbish properly. Is just making matters worse. As in all countries.
Not just them , the hole of humanity, as even the working man has no time to clean from over work. To tired to clean. Only the rich can afford to have time or hire cleaners.
Government now need to put their foot down. To raze the foot print of man, make a government order for every one, in back streets, water villages and county side . to clean up NOW! Rubbish Not just plastic bags. But all Rubbish if choking the land and the sea!
One they have electricity and TVs they forget life. They see the modern world , Envy sets in. then developers move them on, then they are un happy as no work no food cannot afford the electricity. And are moved into council high razed blocks .Where they become lost and give up. Turing to crime and murder.
Why is it, society just cannot leave them alone. Like the films star trek .
We are meant to evolve. Not interfering with other cultures , like in the film, the ( prime directive) not to interfere with other life. 60 years from now , we are meant to live with out need. And greed, No need for money, Only to better our selves and to gain knowledge. To protect others from our own down fall. Do we have to go through all the mistake we mad in the passed. Again and again.
What will happen when a magnetic wave from a sola flare hits the earth? as its meant to this year in 2011 . All electricity will be gone. Magnetic sensitive ships wiped hard drive wiped. Modern man who relies on supermarkets to live will be thrown into the dark ages.
We will wish we were like those who naturally lived each day on simple resources. Instead we will turn to hate fighting for food . Stressed and bored from the lack to use our hand to survive.
Already we abuse food and take everything for granted. . Why do we not see the signed to prepare and change.
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